December 17, 2024, Tuesday of the 3rd Sunday of Advent-C
Genesis 49:2, 8-10
Psalm 72
Matthew 1:1-17
…of her was born Jesus who is called the Messiah. Matthew 1:16
Lord, many of us research our ancestors to get to know those who have lived before us. In a way, our family tree is a help for us to learn who we are and how we came to be today. This is your family tree. Your bloodline consists of a great variety of people: famous and not. They were the good, the bad and the ugly-a lot like my relatives. This long history shows your Father’s plan being carried out for 42 generations. The Father used all these people to prepare for your birth which we celebrate in 8 days. Lord, these people are my spiritual ancestors. The faith of Abraham has been passed on to me. My hope, trust and courage to face temptations is a gift of grace first given to him. Lord, thank you for handing on to me the great gifts of faith and grace on which everything in my life depends. And may I be a link to future generations as I live out my part of your plan for mankind’s’ salvation. Amen.