November 29, 2024, Friday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time-C

Revelation 20:1-4, 11-21:2

Psalm 84

Luke 21:29-33

I saw a new heaven and a new earth… Rev. 20:21:1

“…when you see these things happening know that the kingdom of God is near.”  Luke 21:31

Lord, on Black Friday many shoppers are seeking discounts and low prices in the shops and stores.  We go from place to place looking for signs that advertise the deals being offered.  Your word today tells us to watch for signs of the coming of your Kingdom in full at the end of time.  We can also be looking for signs of your Kingdom which is here now growing among us.  You have warned us to be vigilant and look for opportunities for extending charity to the impoverished, encouragement to the unemployed, healing for the wounded and hope for the dying.  Lord, I can count on you providing signs to me today of how I can grow in love of you and my neighbor.  I expect to be challenged to live what I believe in new ways.  This imperfect world is not our final home.   Your word gives us the hope of a “new heaven and a new earth” where you reign forever.  Help me to recognize the signs and opportunities you will present to me today and to make good use of the grace that is sure to follow.  Amen.