August 18, 2024, Sunday of the 20th Week in Ordinary Time-B
Proverbs 9:1-6
Psalm 34
Ephesians 5:15-20
John 6:51-58
“I am the living bread come down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever…” John 6:51
Lord, we are currently flooded with ads from politicians who promise they have all the answers to whatever needs to be fixed in our country. It seems almost impossible to know the truth because each one has their own version of it. You made bold promises to the people when you told them you were the living bread from heaven and if they ate this bread they would live forever. This sounds at first to be impossible or beyond belief. But when I think about who you are: the only Son of God-then it makes more sense. If God created this universe and all things in it and loves me enough to give his only Son on the cross so I can be saved, why can’t you give yourself to me in the Eucharist? If God’s sole desire is to be with me for eternity, why wouldn’t he give me the means to become eternal? The people thought you crazy because they only knew you as a man. I thank you for the faith to know you, to love you and to serve you. Feed me today, and always, with your word and your great sacrament of love. Amen