July 16, 2024, Tuesday of the 15th Week in Ordinary Time-B

Isaiah 7:1-9

Psalm 48

Matthew 11:20-24

Then he began to reproach the towns…since they had not repented.  Matthew 11:20

Lord, you were a rock star in Galilee for all the miracles performed there.  You healed the sick, drove out demons and even raised a young girl to life.  You gave these people your all, yet they didn’t change their ways.  The message of repentance went in one ear and out the other.  They remained hard of heart after all they had seen and heard.  Some things never change.  Your message is the same today.  You call the world and each of us to a change of heart.  You plead with us to turn from corruption, selfishness, pride and violence yet we go on our ways.  Lord, I too can be stubborn of heart and refuse to listen to you.  Look into my heart and help me to see the darkness that is there.  Shine your light on what you desire me to change.  With your grace I can become who you created me to be.  You’ve done mighty deeds in my life for which I am so grateful.  Now perform your greatest miracle in me and change my heart.  I give it to you, Lord to do with as you will.  Amen.