July 13, 2024, Saturday of the 14th Week in Ordinary Time-B

Isaiah 6:1-8

Psalm 93

Matthew 10:24-33

“Here I am,” I said; “send me!”  Isaiah 6:8

“Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father.”  Matthew 10:32

Lord, I can imagine the eagerness of the young Isaiah to be your prophet.  He had just seen a vision of God and angels.  He had his sins forgiven.  Little did he know of the trials ahead as your mouthpiece to a troubled people.  You prepared your Apostles for the trials and tribulation to come as they ventured forth to spread the good news.  Were they as eager as Isaiah for the task ahead?  Despite the difficulty and enormity of the task you encourage us to not be afraid to proclaim you to a hostile world.  You assure us that you know all that we are about.  Even how much hair we have!  We are valuable members of your Kingdom.  Lord, today give me the courage to live and speak of your love and mercy in every situation.  I pray that I won’t let you down and that you will proudly recognize me before you Father in heaven.  Help me to have the eagerness of Isaiah to raise my hand and say to you “send me”.  Amen