June 22, 2024, Saturday of the 11th Week in Ordinary Time-B
2 Chronicles 24:17-25
Psalm 89
Matthew 6:24-34
“Do not worry about tomorrow…” Matthew 6:34
Lord, how much energy do I waste each day in worry? Anxiety over what may or may not happen can consume us building up our stress levels even harming our health. Your point is clear: we are never, ever forgotten by the Father. Paul will tell us that nothing can ever separate us from his love and concern. He knows what we need better than we do. He is closer to us than our own skin. I can list all the reasons for my worries but none of them stand up when faith takes over. The antidote to worry and fear is faith and trust in your awesome plan for my life. Lord, I was created for great things. My life has meaning and purpose. I am not alone, ever, when I seek first your kingdom. So today when worry or anxiety arise in my heart may I raise up a prayer of confidence in your care and love of me. Lord, I so want to chill, to relax in your powerful and loving hands. I so want the faith to believe you are going to handle all my problems today through your grace working in me. Amen.