June 13, 2024, Thursday of the 10th Week in Ordinary Time. B   ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, PRIEST, DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH

 Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3

Psalm 98

Matthew 5:20-26

“…go first and be reconciled with your brother…”  Mt 5:24

Lord, in this part of your greatest teaching you reveal to us what your priorities are.  You teach us to avoid anger and hurtful speech against others.  Lord, you know how quickly we can fall into this pattern of revenge and retaliation.  And if we do these things, you want us to quickly make things right with those we hurt.  We can even justify our words and actions.  But you so desire that we get along with each other-even love our enemies.  Lord, I think you know that’s a tall order.  That’s why I can’t do it alone.  I really need your help.  So please today bless me with the grace I need to mend fences with just one person I have hurt or one person who has hurt me.   Let me see the opportunities you will provide for me to be a peacemaker.  Make my priorities your priorities.  St. Anthony pray for us. Amen