May 30, 2024, Thursday of the 8th Week in Ordinary Time-B

1 Peter 2:2-5, 9-12

Psalm 100

Mark 10:46-52

Give thanks to God, bless his name.  Psalm 100:4

…you may announce the praises of him… 1 Peter 2:9

Lord, how wonderfully have you made us!  When I exercise or stress my body in work my heart beats faster and my lungs breathe deeper and more rapidly.  Other systems work in harmony to support my body as needed.  Just the same when trouble or fear come upon me, you provide everything I need to endure.  Your grace sustains me in temptation.  Your word guides my decisions.  Your love and mercy heal me as I need them.  For all this, I am so very grateful, Lord.  I praise you today for all your goodness to me.  Like my heart and lungs respond to exercise, so your power and peace allows me to keep going in times of difficulty.  What a great and awesome God you are.  You give me just what I need at the moment without me even asking.  And I’m often unaware of these gifts.  My prayer today is one of praise for your greatness and gratitude for your goodness.  Amen.