Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40
Psalm 33
Romans 8:14-17
Matthew 28:16-20
“…fix in your heart, that the Lord is God in the heavens above and on earth below…”
Dt. 4:39
Lord, today we reflect on you as Trinity: three persons in one God. On this earth I’ll likely not fully understand how this can be. But that’s not an obstacle to seeing you with the eyes of faith. I believe that you reveal yourself to me in so many ways each and every day. Father, you have created such an awesome world for me to live in. I marvel at the beauty of a sunrise, the song of a bird, and the rain which waters the earth. I experience the peace and confidence that I have been redeemed by your Son’s sacrifice on the cross. I seek a relationship with you and with your other adopted children around me. I walk with hope that you are near me in Spirit giving me wisdom, courage, strength and all I need to stay faithful to you in this valley of tears. Living and loving God, I am your precious child struggling to believe all you have revealed to me. Help me in times of doubt, preserve me from fear and keep me always close to you. May your kindness be upon us who have put all our hope in you. Amen.