February 9, 2024, Friday of the 5th Week in Ordinary Time-B

1 Kings 11:29-32; 12:19

Psalm 81

Mark 7:31-37

And immediately the man’s ears were opened, his speech impediment was removed… Mk. 7:35

Lord, until you touched him the man could not hear the word of God, nor could he proclaim his faith.  With a word and a touch, you opened his ears and removed his speech impediment.  O how we all need to have obstacles to our hearing removed.  There is so much noise in our world and so many competing messages that your word can be drowned out.  We need to sort through all the sounds we hear to discover your voice.  My heart needs to tune to the correct frequency, the right channel, to be touched by your truth and your love.  Lord, help me to not be distracted by the sounds, ideas and values of the world that can lead me away from you or even to sin.  Give me the joy of the man you healed to praise and thank you for all you have done for me with my voice.  May I sing and proclaim the good news of your love and salvation with confidence.  I will boldly say like the people in the last verse “he has done all things well.”  Amen.