January 31, 2024, Wednesday in the 4th Week in Ordinary Time-B ST. JOHN BOSCO, PRIEST
2 Samuel 24:2, 9-17
Psalm 32
Mark 6:1-6
“Is he not the carpenter, the son of Mary…” Mk 6:3
Lord, this must have been a very sad day for you. To be rejected by enemies is one thing but by your friends and neighbors is quite another. They expected you to be making tables and chairs for them, not teaching them about the kingdom of God. Their hearts were not open to the grace of God. It must have broken your heart over their lack of faith in what God was doing for them. Lord may my mind and heart be open to receive whatever God has in mind for me today. Help me to accept God’s will regardless of where or from whom it comes. Show me how to be willing to be wrong, surprised, converted, right, successful, hurt, vulnerable, awed, disciplined, or loved. I pray my faith will be open to any mighty deed you wish to perform for me today. Jesus, you have my yes, my permission, to do with me whatever you wish. I also pray for the grace to accept everything you send to me. St. John Bosco pray for us. Amen.