January 5, 2024, Friday -B ST. JOHN NEUMANN, BISHOP

1 John 3:11-21

Psalm 100

John 1:43-51

Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.  1 John 3:18

Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?”  John 1:46

Lord, your future disciple Phillip was an easy catch, but Nathanael had to overcome an obstacle to faith.  Phillip heard you say, “Follow me” and he did. Nathanael was skeptical when told about you because he couldn’t see anything good, wonderful, or mighty coming from a small, backwater, hick town like Nazareth.  But when he met you and you revealed to him his true nature, he believed.  I believe Nathanael was grateful for Phillip introducing him to you. I am grateful for all those who have led me to you in the past and today. Lord, we all have obstacles to faith to overcome.  For some of us it’s pride, others hardness of heart and still others self-centeredness or some other sin.  I admit that I can be a tough sell at times like Nathanael.  I want my will to embrace yours.  Help me today, Lord, to be open to the same grace you poured out on Nathanael.  Soften my heart to be ready to accept you regardless of where you appear.  Look inside me and shine your light on any darkness you find.  Jesus, I believe.  St. John Neumann pray for us.  Amen.