November 29, 2023, Wednesday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time-A
Daniel 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28
Psalm Daniel 3:62-67
Luke 21:12-19
“…praise and exalt him above all forever.” Dan. 3:62
“By your perseverance you will secure your lives.” Lk 21:19
Lord, I admire my neighbor’s vegetable garden. He has done everything needed to tend to this garden, so it produces the fruits and vegetables he enjoys. It takes constant attention in good weather and bad. Storms, insects, weeds, and neglect can destroy a garden in a short time. You encourage us to persevere in tending to the garden of our spiritual lives. You advise us to be aware of the threats that come to us from the world, the flesh, and the devil. If we neglect the care of our souls, we will not produce the fruit for which we were created. My neighbor can do everything but supply light from the sun. You supply the light of grace to strengthen me, to guide me, to inspire me and to protect me from harm. So, Lord, I pray to be open to that grace so I may grow strong and sturdy in good times and bad. Whatever trial or trouble enters my life I can still “praise and exalt” you forever. At every moment of my life, in every circumstance, and at every time I give you praise. Amen.