November 7, 2023, Tuesday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time-A
Romans 12:5-16
Psalm 131
Luke 14:15-24
“Come, everything is now ready.” Lk 14:16
Lord, who am I like in your parable today? Am I like those who found excuses not to accept the dinner invitation? Or am I like the poor, the crippled, the blind or lame? Truth is I can be both. I have put off accepting your call to ministry or service for selfish reasons. You present opportunities to me for change, for surrender, for loving and I often find other things to do. Sometimes I am hurting, lonely and blind to your love and try to do it all on my own. The good news is, unlike the one-time invitation to the banquet in your story, you call me constantly. Every day I can turn from excuses to a ready, willing, and joyful acceptance. I want to RSVP to your abundant and lavish dinner of the Eucharist where you don’t serve food but your very self. Thank you, dear Jesus, for not giving up on me. I am grateful and happy to have been on your guest list for your great feast now and in the time to come. Amen.