October 11, 2023, Wednesday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time-A

Jonah 4:1-11

Psalm 86

Luke 11:1-4

 Jonah was greatly displeased and became angry…Jonah 4:1

“…forgive us our sins for we ourselves forgive everyone in debt to us.”  Lk. 11:4

Lord, your reluctant prophet Jonah had a stubborn case of hardness of heart. Despite the storm at sea, being thrown into the turbulent water, eaten by a fish and being puked out on the beach, he held on to his hatred of the very people you called him to serve. Even after seeing your merciful forgiveness, he was angry at you for not destroying his mortal enemies. This story not only teaches us about your mercy it teaches us about ourselves. Our way of thinking and acting is not your way of thinking and acting. Our bitterness and anger are not of you. Lord, today open my heart to forgive as you do. Even if I run from your call to forgive my neighbor keep after me as you did Jonah. Remove from me any hardness of heart and replace it with compassion and understanding. Let me not be so concerned about myself and who is eligible for your mercy. You are God, I am not.  Amen.