October 6, 2023, Friday of the 26th Week in Ordinary Time-A
Baruch 1:15-22
Psalm 79
Luke 10:13-16
“…we have been disobedient to the Lord, our God, and only too ready to disregard his voice.” Baruch 1:19
“…will you be exalted to heaven? You will go down to the netherworld.” Lk. 10:15
Lord, I am a sinner! I have ignored your commandments and gone my own way instead of your way. I have made excuses for my mistakes, overlooked my poor choices and blamed my failures on others. Sometimes I have even lost my sense of sin and went about business as usual. I have been guilty of being a “cafeteria Christian”: going through life picking and choosing what commandments I’ll follow and disregarding those that are not to my liking. Pride and arrogance have led me to be deaf to the very words that could bring me closer to you. Despite all that you still love me. Despite all that you would die again for me. Despite all that I can be forgiven and receive your abundant mercy. On my knees, dear Jesus, I am sorry for every sin I have ever committed. I am sorry for satisfying my desire for pleasure and for sugarcoating my sin. I believe you love to forgive me and wash away all my guilt. Lord, take me back and help me today to turn away from the thoughts, words and actions that offend you. Thank you Jesus, I feel better already. Amen.