September 25, 2023, Monday of the 25th Week in Ordinary Time-A
Ezra 1:1-6
Psalm 126
Luke 8:16-18
“To anyone who has, more will be given…” Luke 8:18
Lord, there is no doubt you have blessed me with an abundance of everything I need to follow you. From your generous hands I have received unearned benefits, unasked-for gifts and unknown blessings. Indeed, it is proper that I reflect on why you have been so lavish in your goodness to me. You know what I need so out of your love you supply it. You know what I need to grow in the virtues of faith, hope and love. You have chosen me to be an instrument of yours in my circle of family, friends, and community. In other words, you provide the light that I can shine in the darkness. Lord, how will you provide for me today? What opportunity will you give me to follow the will of my Father? How will you reveal yourself to me so I can live your calling? In what ways can I be more open to your love so I can be a more faithful servant in your kingdom? May I not hide my light under a bed. Lord, may I be ready for the “more” I’ll be given today. Amen.