September 19, 2023, Tuesday of the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time-A
1 Timothy 3:1-13
Psalm 101
Luke 7:11-17
When the Lord saw her, he was moved with pity for her… Lk 7:13
Lord, so many times in the Gospel stories you are asked to perform a miracle of healing by someone afflicted with a disease or possessed by a demon. People came to you from far places to experience your power. Yesterday, a centurion asked for you to heal his servant. Today no one asks you to do anything for this widow and her dead son. You saw her grief and knew that with her husband and only son gone she would be destitute with no support. Moved with pity for her you raised her son to life. You entered into her life and restored her son without being asked. Lord, how many times a day do you, without being asked, enter into my life circumstances? How often do you see me in need of strength, healing, or guidance and you provide it without my awareness? I want to thank you, dear Jesus, for seeing my needs and taking pity on me. You know what I need better than I do. I thank you for all the blessings and gifts you pour into my life and my family that I fail to see. I surrender to your compassion. Amen.