The Parish Office will be closed Monday, September 4th.
The Church will close after morning Mass.
Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
Lord God, Master of the Vineyard, How wonderful that you have invited us who labor by the sweat of our brow to be workers in the vineyard and assist your work to shape the world around us. As we seek to respond to this call, make us attentive to those who seek work but cannot find it. Help us listen to the struggles of those who work hard to provide for their families but still have trouble making ends meet. Open our eyes to the struggles of those exploited and help us speak for just wages and safe conditions, the freedom to organize, and time for renewal. For work was made for humankind and not humankind for work. Let it not be a vehicle for exploitation but a radiant expression of our human dignity. Give all who labor listening hearts that we may pause from our work to receive your gift of rest. Fill us with your Holy Spirit that you might work through us to let your justice reign. Amen.