August 29, 2023, Tuesday of the 21st Week in Ordinary Time-A PASSION OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST
Jeremiah 1:17-19
Psalm 139
Mark 6:17-29
On you I depend from birth; from my mother’s womb you are my strength. Psalm 71:6
Lord, how true are these words written hundreds of years before John the Baptist. They were true when written, true when spoken about you and John, and true now as we remember his martyrdom for witnessing to the truth. John was not afraid to be different. He prepared the way for you with the people of his time. He pointed to you as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. He baptized you in the Jordan River as an example and model for us. John gave his life because of his goodness, fidelity and commitment to the truth. All the while he was filled with the Holy Spirit and made full use of the graces provided to him. Lord, may I have the courage of John to witness to you and the peace and forgiveness you have brought through your passion and death. Be my strength as I face the lies and untruths of our time. You have always been near to me and are the source of all the good in my life. Help me recognize you today and trust in your plan. Amen.