July 30, 2023, Sunday of the 17th Week in Ordinary Time-A
1Kings 3:5, 7-12
Psalm 119
Romans 8:28-30
Matthew 13:44-52
God said to Solomon, “Ask something of me and I will give it to you.” 1 Kings 3:5
“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure buried in a field…” Matthew 13:44
Lord, how would I answer if you offered me anything I wanted? What would be so valuable that I would sell my house, empty my bank account, and max out my credit cards to purchase it? I want a lot of things like health for my family, peace in our nation, faith for those who doubt, and eternal life for all the people I care about. What I really need is whatever would please you and give me eternal joy and peace. You are the only treasure we need. Your kingdom is the pearl of great price. To be your disciple and to live in your kingdom are the grandest of all treasures. The joy however comes at a cost. There is no resurrection without the cross. Lord, remove from me anything that separates me from you. Help me to pursue only what you want for me. You know I can easily be distracted by so much of this world that is only temporary or not really good for me. My answer to you is: “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Amen