July 14, 2023, Friday of the 14th Week of Ordinary Time-A ST. KATERI TEKAKWITHA, VIRGIN
Genesis 46:1-7, 28-30
Psalm 37
Matthew 10:16-23
“You will be hated by all because of my name,” Matthew 10:22
Lord, we all seem to want to be loved, respected, and admired. We crave acceptance and always rejoice when people look up to us. Your “no-holds-barred” description of what your followers can expect doesn’t give an attractive picture of life as your disciple. What did they think when you told them how rough the road ahead would be? Did they have second thoughts about their commitment to follow you? Lord not much has changed from then to now. Your children are being persecuted for their faith in the Middle East by Islamic extremists. Even in our country religious freedom is challenged and there is great pressure to remove any reference to you from our society. Lord, you tell us that the Holy Spirit will be our Advocate, our defense lawyer, when we go on trial for our faith. You also tell us that if we persevere to the end we will be saved. Never let me give in to the pressures of the world or the weakness of my will. I need your grace to endure. I am confident you will be with me in every test. St. Kateri, pray for me. Amen