June 4, 2019 Tuesday of the 7th Week of Easter-C
Acts of the Apostles 20:17-27
Psalm 68
John 17:1-11
“I pray for them.” John 17:9
Lord, in your last hours with your disciples you prayed to your Father for them. You knew what they would soon have to endure. You had such love for them. They looked to you for guidance, protection and hope. Paul also said goodbye to his friends in a spirit of prayer. Everything is in the hands of our Father God. Paul and you placed them in the hands of the Father. Lord, I believe you were praying for us too that night at the Last Supper. You continue to pray for us as we walk our journey in the world toward eternal glory. What better advocate could we have than you? I can go through this day in confidence that you only want what is best for me. You know what that is much better than I. So lead me by your Holy Spirit to a faithful and hopeful life. Give me the hope that comes from your resurrection. Listen to my prayers for my fellow pilgrims in this life. May I know God’s love today confident he will keep me safe from anxiety and insecurity. I rest secure in the Father’s love for me and my family. Amen.