“The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.” The Holy Spirit is God’s gracious gift for God pours himself out and gives himself as grace, as gift, as God. The Holy Spirit comes to teach, to correct, to inspire, to recall. He graciously gives what is needed in moments of great testing, in times of adversity, when we are tempted the most. We simply have to surrender and cooperate with God’s grace, his gifts, his Holy Spirit. Jesus warns us that it is possible to reject God grace, to say no to his favor, to refuse his blessing, to ignore his help. The Holy Spirit is alive and dwells in us. Do not reject his gifts or his help. He is our Lord, our Friend, our God. Mary teaches us how to joyfully receive God’s grace, listen to his voice, to be still, be silent and openly and willingly receive God’s love. How often we wish the Gospels would tell us more about the life of Mary. But if we take a closer look and listen more attentively, we would come to know that God has revealed all we need to know about Mary. All mostly in the silence of her heart. Mary is always open to God’s Grace, receptive of God, his Son, his Spirit. Mary always cooperates with God, with his Will, his Plan, his Grace. Mary is full of goodness. Full of God’s Love, his Gifts, his Spirit. Mary teaches us to simply say yes to the Lord. To always say yes to the Lord. To only say yes to the Lord. When Mary’s silence is broken, what she says to the Lord, she says to us and teaches us all we need to know about Mary. When she says, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord” she reveals to us that she is God’s faithful servant. When she says, “May it be done to me according to your word” she show us openness to God’s plan. When she proclaims the greatness of the Lord, she shows us how to Praise God for his abundant gifts. In the Finding in the Temple, she teaches us to seek God relentlessly until we find him and bring him home with us. In the Wedding Feast in Cana, she teaches us to do God’s will. And at the Foot of the Cross, she teaches us to pray quietly, to suffer silently, humbly remain focused on Christ and share in his great work of our love and redemption. Stay with Mary, pray with Mary, keep her silently in your heart.