STUBENVILLE FLORIDA is a Catholic Retreat for High Schoolers
The vision for 2021 is RESTORED
We want to help the youth have their vision restored: to see God, themselves, others and the world more clearly, as God intended. We want to place a particular focus on beholding and praising the glory of God, especially in the midst of the busyness, confusion, and anxiety of everyday life. Our hope is that God’s glory would be the lens through which the youth experience their lives and the world. When we lift our eyes to God’s glory, we are restored.
The cost for each participant, with lodging, is $300. To offset the cost, we are preparing a FREE pancake breakfast after the 8:00 & 10:00 Masses on June 27th in the Parish Hall.
Donations will be accepted!
ALL ARE INVITED for pancakes and sausage!