May 1, 2019 Wednesday of the 2nd Week of Easter-C ST JOSEPH, THE WORKER
Genesis 1:26-2:3
Psalm 90
Matthew 13:54-58
“Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.” Gen. 1:
“Where did this man get such wisdom…? Is he not the carpenter’s son?” Mt. 13:
Lord, we know you were the Son of God and the Holy Spirit was with you. You have the fullness of divine wisdom, knowledge and power. But you were also the son of Mary. The Father so blessed you with a man who taught you so much. Brave Joseph showed you great courage and dedication to the will of God by protecting you when a mad king tried to kill you. He taught you the value of hard work as he fulfilled his role as husband and father. O Jesus, I so admire Joseph. Not a word of his is recorded in the bible but words are not needed for me to know the wisdom, trust and strength of this man who raised you to be the one who saved me from death. God’s first commandment to us after he created us was to be fruitful and to care for the earth. To obey that commandment implies a responsibility like that assumed by Joseph. Help me to obey that commandment and to follow in the example of humble, yet mighty Joseph. Dear St. Joseph, pray for me as I work on this earth. Amen.