April 11, 2019 Thursday of the 5th Week of Lent-C
Genesis 17:3-9
Psalm 105
John 8:51-59
I will maintain my covenant with you…throughout the ages…” Gen. 17:7
“…before Abraham came to be, I AM.” John 8:58
Lord, the Father established a commitment, a covenant, with Abraham and his descendants that he would maintain forever. God so desired a faithful people, loved a sinful people, so much he gave us You his divine Son. Present at creation, incarnate in human flesh and glorious in resurrection, you fulfilled the promise made to Abraham. Promise made, promise kept. Sin, the devil and death have been defeated by the new covenant you came to give us. You promised eternal life to us if we “keep your word”. So simple, and yet so hard to do. Lord, I want to uphold my end of this bargain, this covenant, with you. Yet I fall short so often. Lead me today to make keeping your word THE priority in my life. Guide my decisions to reflect your will and purpose. You have so blessed me with all the grace I need to stay faithful to the end. I thank you for your awesome promises of an abundant life. Fix my eyes on you, today, dear Jesus. You are the way to heaven, the truth I believe and the life I want to live. Amen