April 3, 2019 Wednesday of the 4th Week of Lent-C
Isaiah 49:8-15
Psalm 145
John 5:17-30
I will cut a road through all my mountains… Isaiah 49:11
“…whoever hears my word and believes in the one who sent me has eternal life…” John 5:24
Lord, it was a remarkable feat of engineering when the first transcontinental railroad was build across our country. Many, many obstacles like rivers, mountains and deserts had to be penetrated and crossed to complete the railroad. The railroad brought the east coast and west coast closer together. Lord, Lent is where I look at the obstacles in my life that block you and I from coming closer together. No matter where they came from the sins, excuses, bad habits, doubts, and worries can be barriers for me to see your presence. They can keep me from moving along the road to you and the eternal life you have already won for me. I can even get so lost on that road that I don’t know which way to go. So Lord, look into my soul and remove anything that prevents me from experiencing you. Feed me with your holy word so I will choose the right path around obstacles and distractions that are holding me back. I place all my hope in your grace because without you I can do nothing. Please, dear Jesus, make the road to you smooth for me. Amen.