April 10, 2021 Saturday within the Octave of Easter-B

Acts of the Apostles 4:13-21

Psalm 118

Mark 16:9-15

‘’’he appeared to them and rebuked them for their unbelief and hardness of heart… Mk. 16:14

Lord, I ask myself if I would have believed the fantastic testimony of Mary Magdalene or that of the two travelers that you had risen and were alive.  Would I have been like Thomas who had to see and touch you before he would believe? They deserved your rebuke for their hardness of heart. I probably deserve to be rebuked at times too. What is apparent from the gospel and first reading is that your followers eventually accepted the mission you gave them and they went out and boldly proclaimed the truth.  I am blessed with faith because they believed and their belief led them to action. They didn’t keep this good news to themselves which has been faithfully handed on for hundreds of years. I thank you, Lord, for favoring me with the life-saving grace of your word. May I be transformed like your disciples to be a witness in whatever way serves your plan. May I never be rebuked by you for failure to live my faith. I trust in your powerful grace to penetrate the hardness of my heart.  Amen.