March 8, 2021 Monday of the 3rd Week in Lent-B
2 Kings 5:1-15
Psalm 42
Luke 4:24-30
With this he turned about in anger and left. 2 Kings 5:12
When the people in the synagogue heard this they were all filled with fury. Luke 4:28
Lord, how easily do we, your children, close ourselves off from your grace and your healing powers. How quickly do we reject the truth of your love for all people. We have two examples of people roused to anger because you came to them in unexpected or surprising ways. Naaman nearly lost out in being healed and the people of Nazareth tried to kill you. Lord, how many times do you speak to me through people and ways I least expect? How many times do I ignore your healing touch when offered in unusual or surprising ways. I guess it comes down to my need to grow in faith that you are always reaching out to me. Help me to trust in your love. Show me your power through the humble and weak around me. Increase my awareness of your constant grace and healing power especially when it comes to me in new forms. Help me not to overlook the greatness in people I think are unimportant. I thank you for not giving up on me. Amen.