February 3, 2021 Wednesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time-C ST. BLAISE, BISHOP, MARTYR
Hebrews 12:4-7, 11-15
Psalm 103
Mark 6:1-6
“Is he not the carpenter…?” Mk.6:3
Lord, it must have hurt you deeply when you saw the lack of belief in the people of your hometown. These were your friends and neighbors who turned their backs on the wisdom of God and your attempts to introduce His kingdom in their lives. They missed out on so much healing, forgiveness and joy because of their lack of faith. They judged the book by its cover. I too have sometimes written someone off because of how they looked, their type of speech, color of their skin, their age, their religious or political beliefs. How often have I missed the blessings of another person in my life by my cold-heartedness or lack of faith? Help me to recognize the dignity of each person I meet. Give me the vision to see them as your child with gifts and contributions unique to them. Give me the grace to overcome any temptation to put myself on a pedestal or look down on others. Most of all, may I be blessed with the faith to see you as the Lord and giver of the abundant life you want for all of us. St. Blaise pray for me and my family. Amen.