December 19, 2020 Saturday of the Third Week of Advent-A

Judges 13:2-7, 24-25

Psalm 71

Luke 1:5-25

“Do not be afraid, Zechariah, because your prayer has been heard.”  Lk. 1:13

Lord, Elizabeth and Zechariah had been praying for a long time for God to give them a child. When the time came for their prayers to be answered Zechariah’s initial reaction was fear. The awesome sight of Gabriel the archangel and the message of the conception of a child to a woman as old as Elizabeth was too much for him. When the angel spoke of the mission of this miracle child it just added to the drama. Zechariah had doubts that God would make the impossible possible. So he was given a time of silence to ponder the will of God and to come to faith. Big events in life can cause difficulties for me too. Lord, in my impatience I too often want answers right now. I also can doubt you, Jesus, to make the impossible possible for me. I can look to your mother Mary as my model of faith and complete commitment to the will of God.  Help me to let go of my plans and to embrace your plans, my Lord, especially when I don’t understand them.  Dear Jesus, I trust in you.  Amen.