December 16, 2020 Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent-B

Isaiah 45:6-8, 18,21-25

Psalm 85

Luke 7:18-23

Only in the Lord are just deeds and power.  Is. 45:24

Lord, man’s system of justice is often flawed.  The rich can get different treatment than the poor.  Facts are distorted to achieve a desire outcome. Witnesses make mistakes. Punishments are not on par with the crime. But your justice is perfect. For that we are grateful. You see all, know all and can measure what’s in the human heart. So we turn to you to guide us to make just decisions. You call us to give favor to the poor and oppressed. You encourage us to look to you and your word for truth. We are to obey just authority and to work together to resist evil especially when it threatens the innocent. Lord, let you justice descend from heaven like the dew. Today, Lord, I trust in your ways and rely on you to guide me to be just in all my decisions and actions.  Amen.