October 19, 2020 Monday of the 29th Week in Ordinary Time-A ST. JOHN DE BREBEUF, ST. ISAAC JOGUES, PRIESTS, AND COMPANIONS, MARTYRS
Ephesians 2:1-10
Psalm 100
Luke 12:13-21
“…rich in what matters to God.” Lk 12:21
Lord, when asked to intervene in a family dispute over an inheritance you used the occasion to teach us what really matters to God. You don’t take sides in the argument but point out how greed and the improper reliance on material goods can damage our relationships with you and our brothers and sisters. What matters to God is clear: we are to live a life of faith in you not in possessions; love God with all our hearts, minds and strength; and love others as ourselves. This dispute allowed money to become an obstacle to family harmony. What matters most in the long run is this man’s relationship with his brother not his bank account. Lord, I don’t think you have a problem with us being well-off and enjoying the fruits of our labors. What you do have a problem with is an obsessive search for security at the expense of our family bonds. I pray today for the grace to put things in the right balance and priority and to build loving relationships with the people you have put in my life. You are my ultimate security. Sts. Isaac Jogues and John de Brebeuf pray for us. Amen.