May 7, 2024, Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter B
Acts of the Apostles 16:22-34
Psalm 138
John 16:5-11
The Lord will complete what he has done for me… Psalm 138:8
… he and all his family were baptized at once. Acts 16:33
Lord, I continue to be amazed at how you are so close to us. You show your power and your love in so many ways. What appeared to be a serious setback and defeat in the arrest and beating of Paul and Silas resulted in the victory of life for the jailer and his family. When the earthquake struck the area there was probably much destruction, but it was the occasion of an awesome coming to belief in you. Human suffering and tragedy are made into healing and victory by your hand. You only know how many lives were transformed by the witness of this jailor and his family in the years to come. So today, Lord, may I not be discouraged or fearful when suffering comes into my life. May I not be afraid when events seem to be going out of control. You are in control of everything and can bring light to darkness, victory out of defeat and life out of death. Like Paul and Silas hear my prayers for my persecutors. Lord, complete in me what you have started. Help me to see your hand moving in my life and in the lives of those around me. Amen