July 11, 2023, Tuesday of the 14th Week of Ordinary Time-A ST. BENEDICT, ABBOT

Genesis 32:23-33

Psalm 17

Matthew 9:32-38

At the sight of the crowds, his heart was moved with pity…  Matthew 9:36

Lord, your love for your children moved your heart to pity about their condition. The people appeared to you to be troubled and abandoned. They were aimlessly wandering because they didn’t seem to be cared for by a loving and concerned shepherd. So many in our world today can appear the same way. Does your heart move with pity for your children today?  We are beset with war, pandemics, crime, massive migrations, and homelessness. Violence is rampant in our streets and families. Illegal drug use is like a disease sweeping through our communities. I believe you see the similarities between your day and ours. We are so in need of healing and surrendering to the will of God. Our pride and self-reliance are obstacles to faith in you our Good Shepherd. You did not come to judge or condemn us but to save us. You can lead your flock to nourishing sacraments, to forgiveness and to safety and to hope. The harvest is very abundant and waiting for holy harvesters. If you ask me, I will give my best to be an instrument of your mercy and love in my world. St. Benedict please pray for us.  Amen.