September 28, 2023, Thursday of the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time-A

Haggai 1:1-8

Psalm 149

Luke 9:7-9

For the Lord takes delight in his people… Psalm 149:4

Lord, it is good for me to let these words of the Psalm sink in. It’s really an astonishing idea to accept that you do take delight in me. I’m so conscious of my shortcomings. My weaknesses and mistakes are always on my mind. Even my sins don’t seem to escape my memory. Despite all my human limitations you constantly delight in me as your creature and beloved child. You delight in what you see in me. You are pleased when I desire to do the right thing. You are open to all my prayers, even when I only turn to you when I need something. I can easily be distracted by worry and anxiety that I don’t measure up to what you expect. It’s easy for me to let my own deficiencies take center stage and push to the background how much you love me.  Knowing all this you stretched out your arms and willingly accepted the nails and the cross for me. Your love is not given because of what I’ve accomplished; it is given just because I am your precious and glorious child.  Lord, I delight in you too.  Amen