Check out our newsletter! SMS Cougar News – November 16, 2018 St. Mary Catholic School is dedicated to the Education of the Whole Child Share your blessings this Thanksgiving! Please send in canned goods and non-perishable food items to your child’s class by Nov. 20 to support Helping Hands ministry to serve the needy in our area. We appreciate your generosity! November Events Calendar Nov. 19: 8th Grade Bake Sale Nov. 20: Thanksgiving School Mass at 8:30am Nov. 21-23: Thanksgiving Break – No School Nov. 28: 8:30am School Mass Dec. 1: Breakfast with Santa in Parish Hall (see info) Dec. 2: 1st Sunday of Advent Dec. 8: Immaculate Conception – Holy Day of Obligation (masses are Fri., Dec. 7 at 7pm and Sat., Dec. 8 at 8:30am and 12noon) FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT ORDER LUNCH ONLINE: We have had an increase in the number of students who are bringing money for lunch instead of ordering online. Ms. Ericka only prepares lunches based on the number of students who pre-order lunch plus a small amount of extras. When students do not pre-order, this creates an issue with not having enough lunches to cover all the students. If you occasionally need to order lunch because you forgot to order online, please text Ms. Ericka at 321-591-3529 OR call the front office (636-4208) BEFORE 9am so your child will be able to receive a lunch. Thank you for your help! SMS 8th graders are having a Krispy Kreme Doughnut sale!! A dozen glazed doughnuts for only $9.00! Check your Friday folder for order forms. Orders are due to the office by Monday, November 19th. Doughnuts will be available for pickup before school on Tuesday, November 27th. Join us for Breakfast with Santa! Sat., Dec. 1 from 9-1pm in the Parish Hall. There will be two seatings at 9am and 11am. $5 per person includes pancakes, bacon and beverage plus fun activities for the children. Pre-Order forms were sent home in family envelopes. Seating is limited so make sure to pre-order now! Christmas Shoppe Chairperson and Volunteers needed! The Christmas Shoppe is open a few hours during the school day so that students can enjoy shopping for Christmas gifts for family and friends. It will be open Dec. 3-7. The Chairperson will be in charge of set up, organizing volunteers to work at the Shoppe, and clean up/billing/boxing goods to send back, etc. Volunteers must be fingerprinted. Please contact Mrs. Basinger if you are interested! Middle School Girls Soccer Coach needed! Practices start in December – Season starts in January. Must be fingerprinted. Contact Coach Olson at Company Name | Phone | Address | Website Sandra Basinger | 1152 Seminole Drive, 1152 Seminole Drive, Rockledge, FL 32955 3216364208 Unsubscribe Update Profile | About our service provider Sent by in collaboration with Try it free today

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