Check out our newsletter! SMS Cougar News – November 2, 2018 St. Mary Catholic School is dedicated to the Education of the Whole Child November Calendar Events Nov. 2: MS Fall Dance 6:30-9:30 in Parish Hall Nov. 3: 8th Car Wash 9-12 at Tropical Smoothie Barnes/Murrell Nov. 5: Restaurant of the Month – Sonny’s BBQ 5-9pm Nov. 6: School photo retakes Nov. 7: 8;30am School mass with Bishop Noonan followed by all school Eucharist Procession Nov. 8: 1st Trimester Report Cards EMAILED today Nov. 9: Noon Dismissal Day – No Aftercare this day! ALL School Families are invited to attend the 8:30am School Mass followed by a Eucharist Procession with Bishop John Noonan on Wednesday, November 7. Students will process with Bishop Noonan and the Blessed Sacrament from the church to the school. We are grateful to Bishop Noonan for leading our school in this blessed celebration. Please make plans to join us! Support the 8th grade graduation fund! 8th graders will sponsor a car wash at Tropical Smoothie on Saturday, November 3 from 9-12noon Located in the shopping plaza on Barnes and Murrell Restaurant of the Month is Sonny’s BBQ Eat at Sonny’s on Monday, Nov. 5 from 5-9pm and let your server know you are with St. Mary School. We will receive 10% back on your dinner purchase! Good for sit down, drive through, and take out orders. Important – Early Dismissal Day on Friday, November 9. Students will be dismissed at Noon. The School Office and Aftercare will also be closed at noon. We are proud of our school! Invite friends and neighbors to our Fall Open House on November 12 9am-2pm ‌ ‌ Company Name | Phone | Address | Website ‌ ‌ ‌ Sandra Basinger | 1152 Seminole Drive, 1152 Seminole Drive, Rockledge, FL 32955 3216364208 Unsubscribe Update Profile | About our service provider Sent by in collaboration with Try it free today