Brevard Catholic Schools will have their annual Art Show on Tuesday, April 16 from 3:30-7pm at St. John the Evangelist. Student artwork from all of our Catholic Schools will be on display, including work from our own St. Mary Catholic School students. The art teachers are organizing the event and have asked for help from our school in two areas: *Set Up and Take Down. * The Art teachers will be there in the morning and will need help setting up around 8am and will need help taking down everything at 7pm. If you can volunteer to help set up tables and chairs in the AM or take down in the PM, please reply to this email. *10 dozen homemade cookies!* Bakers, we need your help to bake cookies for refreshments for the event. You can drop the cookies off at St. John the Evangelist during the day OR at our school office. Thank you in advance for your help to make this event a fun one for everyone!
Sandra Basinger, Principal St. Mary Catholic School Rockledge, FL 32955 321-636-4208
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” – William Butler Yeats

Need volunteers for Art Show