St. Mary Parents:
It is with great sadness that Rick and I have confirmed that we will not be able to have fair rides this year. Due to government shut downs and limited work Visas the ride company that we contract with is unable to fulfill their obligation with us this year. Rick and I tried to get another fair ride company but most are heading up North at the time our fair runs. We are discussing the possibility of changing our fair date for next year. Our prayer is that we will have a new fair ride company for next year and will be able to continue this great tradition.
On the other hand, we will still have the food court on the basketball court along with activities for both kids and adults. We will need to have volunteers to work the ice cream, plant wheel and possible openings within the other food booths. A Sign Up Genius will be created for the times volunteers are needed. The hours of this festival are Friday, April 26 and Saturday, April 27 from 6-10pm.
Rick and I appreciate your patience and understanding. We hope you are able to support our festival this year and join us next year when the rides will return.
Rick and Kathy Phelps Sandra Basinger, Principal St. Mary Catholic School Rockledge, FL 32955 321-636-4208
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” – William Butler Yeats

News about St. Mary Fair