St. Mary School will be administering the Terra Nova Standardized Tests from Feb. 25- March 6 to students in grades 2-8. Terra Nova is made up of a series of tests that will replace the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS). Students will be testing in the mornings, so please do not schedule doctor or dentist appointments during testing times. If a student is absent, then arrangements will need to be made for the student to makeup the tests that he/she missed. Please make sure your child gets a good night’s rest, eats before coming to school, and has a nutritious snack on test days. We want all students to be successful on their tests as this will be a baseline year for us since these are new tests. A letter from Mr. Henry Fortier, Superintendent of Catholic School for the Diocese of Orlando, was sent home last Friday along with information about the test.
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Standardized Testing next week!