Good Evening St. Mary Families,
In honor of Catholic Schools Week, tomorrow is our All-American Picnic. This email will provide you with information you need to check-in and acquire your food tickets. Picnic Location: Basketball Court (Kindergarten – 8th grade)
Parking: Early Childhood parking lot
Meal Ticket Pick-up: Check-in table outside of the Parish Hall – look for the Red, White & Blue!
Time: 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Visitor Badge: As part of our safety procedures, all families are required to obtain a visitor’s badge. Phone calls were made to the families who signed up and need to obtain their badge through the office. If you signed up, and did not receive a phone call, your badge has been pre-printed and is at the picnic check-in area in your family envelope. Families with badges are welcome to wait for their child at the Basketball Court. If you did not sign up and are coming to have lunch with your child, you will need to check in at the office. Please be sure to bring your driver’s license and arrive by 11:15, there are approximately 20 families that will need to check in. Early Childhood Families Information regarding visitor’s badge is the same for families with children in Preschool & VPK Lunch – If you ordered lunch, your lunch will be delivered to the ELC building by 11:30 a.m. Thank you so much for joining us! We look forward to a fun day!
Lisa Persse Admission Coordinator
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Check in for All American picnic