Talent Show Update & Date Change Catholic Schools Week is quickly approaching and we are excited about all of the wonderful activities that we have planned for that week. Part of our St. Mary tradition is the Annual St. Mary Talent Show. In an effort to plan events for Catholic Schools Week and to ensure the tradition continues to let our children take the stageand show off their hidden talents, we need to have a count for the number students who plan on participating. At this time, we have only received 11 permission slips and need a final count. If your child is planning on participating, please email Mrs. Ecrement at eecrement@stmarys-school.org by Monday, January 7, 2019. Schedule of Events – Talent Show Confirmation of Intent to Participate – Monday, January 7, 2019 Email: eecrement@stmarys-school.org Permission Slip Due – Wednesday, January 16, 2019 Turn in to homeroom teacher Talent Show Rehearsal – Friday, January 25, 2019 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Parish Hall Talent Show Performance – Thursday, January 31 (Please note date change) Thank you in advance for encouraging your children to sign up and have some fun sharing their gifts with friends!
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Call for Talent during Catholic Schools Week!