Good morning! We are excited to let parents know that our Christmas Pageant has undergone a few changes this year in keeping with the true meaning of Christmas. The Nativity that has been a St. Mary School tradition for over 30 years will remain the same as it has been for years. Prior to the Nativity this year, we will present a mini-play that focuses on the story of how St. Francis of Assisi created the first live Nativity. Students in grades 1-7-8 will be participating in the Nativity portion of the evening. Students in grades K-2-3-4-5 will be able to participate in the St. Francis mini-play prior to the Nativity part of the evening and will also be involved with the Nativity portion as townspeople. After discussion about the length of the Nativity, we decided that the PreK3 and PreK4 students will prepare singing programs for the parents in their classrooms. Date and time TBD. This fresh look at how we celebrate the Nativity this year will help us relive that Holy Night when Christ was born. All families are welcome to join us for this wonderful evening of song and storytelling on Dec. 18 starting at 6:30pm.
Sandra Basinger, Principal St. Mary Catholic School Rockledge, FL 32955 321-636-4208
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” – William Butler Yeats

Christmas Nativity Pageant