Please join us for our 14th Annual Fall Festival on Saturday, October 30, 2021 from 4:00 PM to 10:00 PM at St. Mary Catholic School.
For more information, please email smsfallfestival@gmail.com or call the school office at (321) 636-4208.
This is an exciting community event that will have activities and events for children of all ages. This year’s theme is all about your fall favorites! The events will include a Scream Zone, games, food made by the St. Mary Community, a trunk or treat, pumpkin patch, hay rides, a cake walk and many more interesting and fun activities!
For over 60 years students at St. Mary have been educated with a strong sense of community fostered in a peaceful, Christ-centered environment. St. Mary School teaches students to have high expectations and to be responsible, independent, enthusiastic learners who value and respect their learning community. We are truly educating leaders for the new century.
St. Mary School has received the National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Award and is recognized as one of the top private schools in the nation. The school takes pride in academic excellence, mission outreach, outstanding test scores, science research, Spanish language, technology, art, literary and athletic achievements. The Fall Festival is our only sponsored event for the year and supports the St. Mary School’s ability to fund scholarships for students who are unable to pay full tuition, as no child is turned away due to an inability to pay.
This event offers many different sponsor/donation opportunities. All of our sponsors will be acknowledged in the program of events, have a banner and will have additional signage displayed at the event site. The larger sponsors will have their name/Company Logo printed on the back of our Fall Festival T-Shirt and on all print ads for the event. This is an advertised event and we expect a high turn out from families in the Brevard County area, we have had over 2000 people come to this event in past years.
Please consider supporting this great cause. The children, parents and staff of St. Mary School thank you in advance for your consideration.
Entertainment Sponsors
The Rittenhouse Family ($3,000)
Diamond 1 Group with Ameribest ($1500)
Keltec ($1500)
State Farm Insurance Dawn and Mike Sullivan ($1500)
Superior Skilled Trade ($1500)
Triangle Auto ($1500)
Scream Zone Sponsor
Coastline Family Chiropractic ($750)
Pumpkin Patch Sponsor
Blinds of All Kinds ($500)
Merrill Lynch McKelvey Group ($500)
Schroeck Veterinary ($500)
Publix ($500)
Kelseys Pizza
Food & Beverage Sponsor
Carter Hester Group ($300)
Posey and Co Realtor ($300)
PIP Printing ($300)
The Harris Family ($300)
Keller Signs ($300)
Tops Hair Salon ($300)
Rockledge Rotary Club ($300)
Trunk or Treat Sponsor
Colorite East ($200)
Federal Title Insurance ($200)
Davidson Family ($200)
Game Sponsor
Mastraopaolo Family ($100)
St. Mary School Fall Festival T-shirts are on sale for $10.00 each. Please cut off bottom portion and return with payment. If paying by check please make out to St. Mary School. Orders must be placed by Wednesday August 25, 2021!
50/50 RAFFLE
This a great opportunity for the school to raise money because the tickets cost us nothing AND it’s also a great opportunity for YOU to win some money as well! Our goal this year is to sell at least 300 books. If we hit this goal, the school will earn $3,000 and one lucky winner will win $3,000!!!
The 2019 winner won $2600!!
They can be sold/purchased for: $5 a ticket or 5 tickets (1 BOOK ) for $20
Make checks payable to: St Mary Catholic School
The winner will be announced October 30th at the Fall Festival. You DO NOT need to be present to win.
If you have questions or would like to be more involved, please reach out to Julie Kellgren SMSFallFestival@gmail.com Thank you!!!
Please complete the form below to let us know how many books you would like!
Contest is open to all children that are in the Age Categories. Submit your drawing to the St Mary School office by October 22nd. Please put artwork on an 8.5 x 11 piece of white paper, with name, address, phone #, and Age Category on the back. Winners will be announced at 7:00 PM at the St. Mary Fall Festival. Artwork will be displayed for the community to view during the festival. Prizes will be awarded to the winner of each age category, and best in show.
We need your help!
To be a vendor at the St. Mary 14th Annual Fall Festival, please read the agreement and submit the completed application.
The Fall Festival Silent Auction site is up and running! Click below to see all of the great auction items! In order to bid, you have to create an account with basic information so we can let you know that your bid won! You do not need to be present to win.
This Trunk-of-Treat is FREE to participate in. It is available to the FIRST 20 cars ONLY! All people who are decorating their car must supply their own treats/candy, at least 200 pieces. You may come as early as 3:00 PM to set-up, you MUST arrive NO LATER than 3:45 PM (No Exceptions!). When you arrive, you will be given a Trunk Number so that Trunk or Treaters will be voting for their favorite Trunk as they leave the Trunk or Treat area. A PRIZE will be awarded to the trunk that gets the most votes by those participating. The Winner will be announced during the Fall Festival.