September 10, 2017 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time-A

Jeremiah 20:7-9

Psalm 63

Romans 12:1-2

Matthew 16:21-27

“You…I have appointed watchman…  Ezekiel 33:7

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”  Mt. 18:20

Lord, my relationship with you is an ever growing and dynamic one.  I praise you, love you and thank you for you are the source of all good for me.  But your word today tells me that it’s not just” you and me God”.  The social dimension of my spiritual life is so important to you.  You appointed me as a watchman for my family and those near me.  I truly am my brother’s keeper, supporter, and advocate.  I am closely tied to the lives of those around me.  You call us together in prayer and join us when we care for and pray for each other.  Even when those in my family or circle of friends hurt me I can stay faithful to them.  I can be willing to accept and offer correction and encouragement when needed.  You expect that of me Lord so I ask for your grace and strength to build strong bonds between myself and those you’ve placed in my life.  I trust you hear my prayers today.  Amen,